How To Get Good Career Paths For Single Mothers

To have a better life mothers make an effort to attend the school they attended to pursue their future. They work to reach their goals in order that they can make an impact positively on the livelihood of their families. If the best careers for moms going back to school, you're not only achieving your personal career and educational goals but also empowering your kids to be awed by the value of high-quality education to strive higher and think larger. From having a family to establishing good career paths for single mothers, moms might not have a lot of time, but there is a myriad of on-campus and online degrees that are designed for parents and working adults. You could even choose the option of working from home which makes it simpler to manage your own responsibilities and take on a careers for single moms

Get Good Career Paths For Single Mothers 

A college degree could benefit you over the long haul and according to research conducted by the U.S. Social Security Administration's Office of Retirement Policy, the possession of a college degree can have a huge impact on a person's earnings over the course of their life. Women with bachelor's degrees make an average of $630,000 more over the course of their lives than those with only a high school diploma or master's degrees earn $1.1 million more in their lifetime than those with only a high school certificate.

good career paths for single mothers

Below are some of the top career options for mothers who are returning to school:

  • Table of Contents
  • Graphic Designers
  • Preschool Teacher
  • Realtor
  • Web Developer
  • Medical Administrative Assistant
  • Fitness Trainer
  • Counseling
  • Market Research Analyst
  • Accountant
  • Project Manager

Graphic Designers

Graphic Designing is the profession's best careers for single moms everyone can make decent earnings from if they're skilled in what they are doing. In addition, there are well-known mothers, who've done it in a manner that has made their male peers sit up and pay attention. Additionally, mothers are constantly realizing that being entrepreneurs give the flexibility that a traditional 9-to-5 routine can't. Designers are able to work from anywhere and at any time because in the past the profession has earned an immense amount of recognition. Graphic Designers are committed supporters of design that is compassionate which is sought-after by businesses nowadays to connect with customers in a better way.

The field can be intimidating from afar because people imagine lengthy hours, tight deadlines, and negative feedback. However, the reality is that there are many benefits associated when you become a graphic designer, particularly for mothers. Mothers are able to read in the void, have a greater understanding of the language, are more compassionate, are able to work at home, are capable of adapting to mishaps, and have a plan in place They are also creative problem solvers and are not prone to cracking under stress, understand what they are looking for, and more, making them fantastic graphic designers.

Preschool Teacher

Preschool teachers introduce children to formal education in various institutions. The experiences children experience in their first year of school can help them prepare for their schooling. Additionally, preschool teachers play a significant part in the smooth start and transfer of knowledge among children. They are responsible for children between three and five prior to when they start kindergarten. Teachers in preschool teach their pupils many different abilities, such as motor, social, language, and fundamental academics. Mothers are familiar with children since they have cared for their children for a long time and can connect effectively with their children. Preschool teaching requires education and certification. In addition, this offers many advantages for mothers like better time management, better understanding, stronger bonds with the children, a greater impact, and more good career paths for single mothers.


Realtors can determine their own schedules and earn money by selling ideas for homemaking. Any real estate job can be a lucrative career for moms, but starting the full-time profession of a realtor demands the same amount of effort as any other profession: starting at the bottom, working long hours, and meticulously building until you reach your goals. Realtors are paid commissions and the amount they make is determined by the volume of their transactions. In a sense, the abilities required to raise kids and sell property seem to be similar. Additionally, it requires many multitasking tasks placing others first, and being available any time of the night and day. Mothers are used to taking care of phone calls, managing offspring, bags hanging off their shoulders, and carrying the family dog's lead on their laps as they walk through a busy avenue. Real estate careers offer the flexibility of a schedule, regular cycles, and the ability to be in control of their own work schedule, working anywhere, network opportunities best careers for moms going back to school, social events as well as involvement with communities, earning unlimited potential, etc.

Web Developer

In simple terms, Web Developers design and building websites are also good career paths for single mothers. Their typical work is in the design of computer systems and related service industries. There are many who are self-employed and working on temporary or freelance contracts. Most of the time, Web Developers have a significant demand in fields such as publications, business consulting, and advertising. Education requirements vary based on the kind of web developer you'd like to become in the future. The general requirements vary from a high school diploma to an undergraduate degree. Web developers must be proficient in both programming and graphic design. They can earn a median annual salary of $73,760, based on their qualifications and experience. The overall employment of web developers is predicted to grow each year and faster than the average of all professions. There is always a need for this role due to the rising popularity of mobile devices and eCommerce. Web developers create, design, manage, and supervise websites. They also manage the website's technical aspects, like capacity and performance which are measures of how much traffic a site can handle as well as a website's speed. Additionally, web developers can also develop material for the site they have created its also the best careers for single moms.

best careers for single moms
Medical Administrative Assistant

Medical administrative assistants are people you interact with when you enter the doctor's office or clinic. They are warm and friendly individuals who greet you and sign the appointment. In addition, checking patients is not what this position is about. The Medical Administrative Assistant is additionally accountable for various other tasks to ensure that the medical office runs efficiently. In addition, this position is so vital that the demand for Medical Administrative Assistants is predicted to increase more quickly than the average over the next few years, as per the U.S. Department of Labor. This is an excellent job for those who want to enter the field of healthcare, with a short education track. Administrative assistants in the medical field are called medical secretaries and perform administrative tasks in a clinic or hospital by utilizing their knowledge of medical terms and procedures. They are also able to be employed in various jobs with the same titles such as physician assistant, or admissions coordinator.

Fitness Trainer

Being a fitness trainer could be an excellent alternative if you've been away from work to take care of your children and are contemplating returning to work. There are many reasons to think about training to be a new professional and not reverting to the way you worked prior. Following the maternity break, the interests of new mothers change and they become less in touch with the old industries, and feel that there are many things to adjust to if they returned to the same job. They'll probably require an alternative job that is more easily with their family life or has fewer hours, as well as less pressure. Sometimes, being a fitness enthusiast is something you've always loved. If so, being a fitness coach could be an ideal choice for you. The path to becoming a fitness instructor or personal trainer could be intriguing for someone who is interested in fitness and health generally.


There's no way to say that anyone is free from the pressures and issues of daily life and good career paths for single mothers. Sometimes people can solve problems by themselves, however times, their challenges could be too complicated or overwhelming for them to tackle by themselves. There is a tendency to require assistance in finding a solution or dealing with what's going on and this is where professional counselors shine best. As a counselor you will be able to assist anyone of any age and earning a degree in counseling could open up a range of opportunities for those looking to help others. Additionally, based on the preferences of an individual the graduates may consider counseling for mental health or career and vocational counseling as well as substance abuse counseling rehabilitation counseling, as well as counseling for marriage and families. The various specialties are General counselors Social Work counselors school counselors, child counselors Clinical Counsellors, Sports Counsellors, and so on.

Market Research Analyst

Market Research Analysts is a great career choice for moms who are returning to school. The job will require the ability to assist companies in figuring out the best way to market their products and to whom to sell their services and products, and the best way to market these products and services. Analysts design surveys to uncover the preferences of potential customers to assist businesses in making crucial decision-making. Market research analysts are professionals who are able to instruct and supervise interviewers to conduct surveys on the internet, via telephone, or via in-person interviews with groups of people or with focus groups. Market research analysts made an average annual salary of $63,230 in the year 2017. However, the amount is different in accordance with the amount of demand and type of industry, and the location of the company, among other variables. The most appealing aspect of this job is that it can be completed freelance, part-time, full-time, or on a contract. The outlook for jobs in this field is extremely good since according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics forecasted that employment will rise faster than typical for the entire workforce from 2026 to 2016. consequently, it is classified as a "Bright Outlook Occup."


Accounting jobs are a popular choice for people that are the best careers for single moms who have a wide range of requirements as well as active mothers and want to work in accounting, this career could be a good fit for you. Accounting jobs offer perks that mothers appreciate, such as flexibility in schedules, the ability for working from home, decent wages, and the chance for advancement in your career. As a professional in accounting, you will be able to be employed in various situations, including as an internal accountant for small, medium, or large firms, and also jobs at accounting firms as well as bookkeeping companies. Many accountants also operate as independent contractors. A wide variety of work settings can increase your chances of securing an opportunity with flexible hours as well as the chance to work from home. Accounting is a great option for working mothers, particularly mothers with young children who are unable to manage themselves. Accounting is divided into different categories such as Bookkeepers, Accounting Clerks Spectator Athletic accountants, Information Technology accountants Personal Financial advisors Forensic Accountants,s and many more best careers for moms going back to school.

best careers for moms going back to school

Project Manager

The job of a project manager requires good career paths for single mothers concentration on the finer details, organizational skills, and follow-through abilities. This position is an excellent career choice for highly organized professionals who can multitask and lead others who usually excel in careers that require project management. As the title suggests, project managers are responsible for the specific projects that are assigned to him/her through an employment agency. The people they work with be contingent on the specific field. No matter who employs them, project managers will serve as liaisons as well as key sources of information in order to ensure that tasks are completed in a timely manner on time and on budget. Project management jobs are found across a wide range of sectors. Some of the most common include Construction (Median Annual Salary of $93,370), Energy (Average annual salary of $70,001), Engineering (Average annual salary of $94 440), Software Development (Average annual salary of $86,372), Information Technology (IT) (Median annual salary of $142,530), Healthcare (Average annual salary of $75,474) Pharmaceutical (Average annual salary of $89,453) marketing (Average annual salary of $59,916) as well as Consulting (Salaries differ based on the nature and length of the projects). 


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