How to find Assisted living for Single Mom

There are few jobs as challenging as being a single mom. Federal, state and local governments recognize this and there are several programs designed to help moms and kids obtain proper nutrition, complete their educations and get much-needed health insurance. However, the government won't come to you, so don't be shy. Single moms need all the help they can get.

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, commonly called SNAP or food stamps, helps low-income families buy nutritious food. You must meet low-income guidelines to qualify. Benefits are discreetly paid by your state through a debit card and increase depending on the number of people in your household. Apply with your county SNAP counselor and she will ask you a variety of questions regarding your assets and income.

WIC and the School Lunch Program

Two of the most successful government programs for single moms are Women, Infants and Children, or WIC, and the free school lunch program. WIC provides basic nutrition coupons on a monthly basis. To qualify for WIC, a low-income mom must be pregnant, nursing or have small children under the age of 5. After age 5, the school lunch program takes over. Based on income, a child can get a healthy breakfast and dinner for free or at a reduced price.

Assisted Living for Single Mom
Assisted Living for Single Mom

Health Insurance

CHIP, the Children's Health Insurance Program, is a government-funded program administered by each state. It helps families who cannot afford health insurance on their own. Medical, dental and vision coverage is provided to kids, often with no co-pays. Eligibility is determined on a sliding scale based on income and the number of people in the home. While the program does not cover adults, it does provide a measure of relief for moms worried that every day brings a risk of a broken arm or whooping cough.

Families First

In Families First, the government provides a cash payment to the mom who's struggling to make ends meet. The government's expectation is that the mom will be working at a job or training for one for a minimum of 30 hours per week. The government also monitors the children to make sure they're in school and vaccinated. In Families First, mothers are expected to establish the paternity of their children and begin child support proceedings, so that the father can contribute in a financially meaningful way toward the children's upbringing.

Single moms have the burden of caring full-time for their children and making sure the bills get paid. Single moms often have to take on a second job to make ends meet, but that just increases the daycare expenses. Fortunately, there are state programs that help low-income single moms pay heating bills and obtain groceries to feed their families.


WIC stands for "Women, Infants and Children." This government program is available to all single moms who are pregnant, or who have children in the home 5 years old or younger. The program provides mothers with cereal, milk, cheese, peanut butter, tuna fish and baby formula. Mothers may also qualify for Pediasure with a doctor's script. In the summertime, WIC provides single moms with farmer's market vouchers so they can purchase fresh fruits and vegetables. Not having to buy these items can significantly help single moms financially.

Modest Needs

Modest Needs is an organization that provides self-sufficiency grants, back-to-work grants and independent living grants to single moms and low-income families. Single moms can apply for help with a rent payment, unexpected medical bill or assistance for a large summer cooling bill. None of the grants have to be paid back and are meant to keep single moms and families from entering poverty. Single moms can apply directly from the Modest Needs website. Applicants will need to produce documents to verify that they need financial help.

Catholic Charities USA

Catholic Charities USA does not only help Catholic single moms, but also single moms of every religious background. They help single moms get tangible items that their family may need such as clothing and food. They also have programs set up to provide money for utilities, prescriptions or other types of emergency financial needs (repairs on a car, for example). To apply, single moms need to choose their state from the Catholic Charities USA website (see Resources) and then choose the closest location. Contact information will then be displayed on your screen.

Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)

Single moms can contact their local Social Services agency to get help with heating and cooling bills. This program is called Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program, or LIHEAP for short. Once a single mom provides documentation of need, a check will be issued directly to the heating or cooling supplier. While single moms are at the Social Services building, they can inquire about other types of financial help such as rental assistance or food stamps.

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